Produtos e acessórios para a aplicação

A linha Master oferece todos os instrumentos e acessórios necessários para a colocação de mantas impermeáveis, sintéticas ou betuminosas. Os produtos que a linha oferece são extensões para solda, rolos de solda, solda à ar quente e muito mais.

Sustainability Report 2023

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Eterno Ivica among Italy's 1000 best companies

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A new important collaboration: Eterno Ivica with Treedom

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Report of the events | March 2020

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Report of the events | January 2020

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Report of the events December 2019

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Master - Produtos e acessórios para a aplicação

Sustainability Report 2023

Eterno Ivica among Italy's 1000 best companies

A new important collaboration: Eterno Ivica with Treedom

Report of the events | March 2020

Report of the events | January 2020

Report of the events December 2019